how bad is pressure treated wood for vegetable gardens

how bad is pressure treated wood for vegetable gardens

Is Pressure Treated Wood Safe for Vegetable Gardens?

Pressure treated wood is a common and inexpensive material used for many outdoor projects. But is it really appropriate for vegetable gardens, given that we may eventually consume the vegetables grown in contact with it? This article will explore this question and discuss the potential risks associated with using pressure treated wood.

What Is Pressure Treated Wood?

Pressure treated wood is wood that has been treated with chemical preservatives to protect it from insect damage and decay. The process impregnates wood with chemicals that make it resistant to rot and pests. The most common chemicals used in pressure treated wood are chromated copper arsenate (CCA) and ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ).

Potential Hazards of Pressure Treated Wood

Pressure treated wood can pose several potential hazards to you and your vegetable garden:

  • Chemical Leaching: Though the chemicals used to treat pressure treated wood are intended to stay on the surface of the wood, they can leach into the soil, which can be a concern in a vegetable garden. CCA, in particular, can be toxic to plants, and there is potential that consuming vegetables grown in close contact with treated wood could lead to exposure to the chemicals.
  • Pest Control: Some of the chemicals used to treat pressure treated wood can also have a negative effect on beneficial insects, such as bees and butterflies. This can be a particular concern if the treated wood is located near the vegetable garden.
  • Physical Hazards: Pressure treated wood is typically treated with arsenic and other heavy metals, which can be hazardous if ingested. This is particularly a concern with small children, who may put the wood in their mouth. Additionally, the chemicals can be absorbed through the skin.

Alternatives to Pressure Treated Wood

If you’re concerned about potential hazards associated with pressure treated wood, there are several safer alternatives:

  • Untreated Wood: Untreated wood, such as cedar and redwood, is a safer alternative to pressure treated wood, as it won’t leach chemicals into the soil. It may, however, require more upkeep since it’s not as resistant to rot and pests.
  • Composite Wood: Composite wood is another option that won’t leach chemicals into the soil. It’s made from a combination of wood fibers and plastic, and it’s resistant to rot, insects and other pests.
  • Stone and Brick: If you’re looking for a more aesthetically pleasing option, stone and brick are another safer alternative. While they will require more up-front investment, they’ll last much longer than pressure treated wood and won’t have to be replaced as often.


In conclusion, pressure treated wood can pose several dangers to you and your vegetable garden if it is used. Though it is inexpensive and relatively durable, it is important to consider the potential hazards associated with it before making a decision. Similarly, there are several safer alternatives, such as untreated wood, composite wood, and stone and brick, that may be more appropriate for your needs. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and it is important to weigh all your options before making a decision.

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