what vegetables can i plant in may

what vegetables can i plant in may

Vegetables you can plant in May

Planting vegetables in May can be a great way to cultivate nutritious produce in your home garden. There are a wide variety of vegetables that thrive when planted in May. Here are some of the best options for your May garden:

Leafy Greens

  • Lettuce: Plant lettuce during the cool season, as this will yield a higher quality leaf. Plant seeds in sections, about an inch apart and thin them as they get larger.
  • Spinach: Spinach prefers cool weather, so planting in May is ideal. Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep in the soil, spaced 1-2 inches apart.
  • Kale: Kale is a great vegetable to plant in May, as it fares better in cooler weather. Plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep in well-drained soil, and space the seeds 6-8 inches apart.

Root Vegetables

  • Carrots: Carrots will have a better chance of growing if they’re planted early in the season, making May ideal. Plant the seeds about an inch deep, space them a few inches apart.
  • Beets: Beets are a great addition to a may garden. Plant beet seeds 1 inch deep, and thin them to 4 inches apart to give them plenty of room to grow.
  • Radishes: Radishes are great for beginners, as they’re one of the fastest vegetables to mature. Plant the seeds about 1/4 inch deep, with 1-2 inches of spacing between them.


  • Parsley: Parsley is a great herb to plant in May. Plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep, and space them 1-2 inches apart.
  • Basil: Basil is a great herb to add to a variety of dishes. It likes soil that is both moist and warm, so planting in May is ideal. Plant the seeds 1/4 inch deep with 2-3 inch spacing between them.
  • Cilantro: Cilantro likes cooler temperatures, making May an ideal time to plant it. Plant the seeds about 1/2 inch deep, and thin them to 2 inches apart.

These are just a few of the many different vegetables and herbs you can plant in May. Planting your own vegetables and herbs can be a rewarding and satisfying experience as you watch them grow and reap the benefits of the nutritious produce you’ve cultivated.

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