what vegetables to plant in february

what vegetables to plant in february

Vegetables to Plant in February

February is a great month to start planning and planting fresh vegetables in your garden. Whether you are an experienced garden enthusiast or a weekend gardener, below is a list of vegetables that you can plant this month:

1. Peas

Peas are an easy to grow vegetable with an added bonus: they are the best source of vitamins B and C available. When sowing in February, use a variety such as sugar snaps or mangetout.

2. Salad Leaves

Salad leaves are great for growing in February. There is a huge range of varieties to choose from and it’s easy to get creative with colors and flavors. Try rocket, lollo rosso, winter purslane and mizuna.

3. Kale and Cabbage

Kale and cabbage are both hardy and versatile vegetables. Plant them in a sheltered location and fertilize with organic matter to get a great crop. Kale is particularly versatile and can produce a leaf crop all year round.

4. Carrots

Carrots can be sown directly into the ground in February, either in containers or in deeper soil. If you want to add flavor to your culinary dishes, try planting different varieties such as ‘Touchon’ or ‘Paris Market’.

5. Herb Patch

Herbs are easy to grow and will bring flavor and texture to your cooking. Plant from seed or from young plants, and have a great selection of herbs to harvest within a few months. Try basil, sage, thyme, rosemary and parsley.


February is a great month to start planning and growing your vegetable garden. With so many delicious and nutritious vegetables to choose from, you can make the most of this months fine weather to get your garden off to a great start.

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